Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My Last Day at Mom's

I'm feeling a bit sad to leave. It has been so nice to have the time to rest and relax here. I feel completely isolated from my "real" life here.

I talked with Alex on the phone today. He was chatty for Alex. He is enjoying gymnastics camp-they are planning to paint today and wondered what shirt he should wear. I'm glad I'm still useful from afar! I tried to talk to Joseph, but he isn't very patient with the phone. So, I asked him to say MaMa and I got to hear his voice. I need a big Joseph hug. Tomorrow! Grandma told me everything they had eaten for dinner all week--it is clear they are eating better without me than with me!

I've met all my modest goals. I have a several new jackets for work--and a new skirt. I have much softer feet. Who knew soaking just a few days would make a big difference. And I've typed some new recipies out of mom's cookbooks.

1 comment:

Norma said...

Soft feet. Sounds nice.