Thursday, September 18, 2008

Miracle League Mom

We have heard so much about Soccer Moms and the Hockey Moms, with and without lipstick, as of late that I’ve been thinking-- What about “Miracle League Moms?” I’ve been using the term of late with friends and family. I checked Google, and there is no direct hit for Miracle League Mom, or Challenger League Mom, or even Special Olympics Mom, used in the sense that we use Soccer Mom or Hockey Mom. So, I'm going on record in this blog post...maybe I've coined a new variety of the almost worn out phrase. Perhaps this is part of my wanting to be mainstreamed; I want my own “_____ Moms” group. Okay, I’m being a bit inconsistent, because I now want a separate group, but indulge me.

Joseph is a devoted Miracle League player. We started in Challenger League, but moved to Miracle League because the field where they play is closer and has a fence so Joseph can’t run and run and run and run.

Alex takes gymnastics. We tried soccer. It was a disaster. He is a child that is too competent for Special Olympics or Miracle League, but regular team sports are way beyond him. Many things are that way for our Alex. He falls in the cracks. He doesn’t have obvious special needs, but he can’t keep up with the typical kids either. In many, many ways Joseph is easier.

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